Askap Gold Investment Co Ltd is a pysical gold consultant firm with offices in Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, China and Japan.
Askap Gold Investment Co Ltd is a physical gold trading house operating its business at P.G.C.T Center, 2nd Floor, Street 274, Sangkat Tonle Bassau, Khan Cham Karmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia and having its principle company at The Republic of Indonesia under PT.Askap Futures at the address of Senayan City, Panin Tower Lt.22 Jl, Asia Afrika Lot 19 Jakarta 10270 - Indonesia (Direct line: +62.21.5290.0649 | Fax: +62.21.5290.6728).
The main objective of our Company is to provide a variety of information such as Education, Market Research, Fundamentals...Now looking for dynamic professionals to fill the position as Compliance Officer.